Wednesday 21 December 2011

My Life, My Studies Completion

19th December 2011 is the day where I have officially complete my studies... 3 years of education in UTAR has definitely embrace me with tonnes of memories and experiences that shaped myself to be a better person today :) It was a very emotional day for me... I couldn't express it in any better way by hugging my friends and by having tears in my eyes. Since, it was my final day so i decided to stay over at Kampar to spend precious moments with my friends...

That night five of us went to hang out at lakeside... and had a little game among us... till the end of game... i became so emotional hearing to what my frenz thinks bout me... and then it just hit me.. that sometimes going for tertiary education, college, politeknik... is not all about being the top student, to get great marks... to be excel in every task in class.. but it is to come to an end with the realization of being a better person and more important a true friend...

Yes... infact i went to UTAR to score good marks and to be among top scorers in class and i even succeed in it.. but tat happiness does not last long compared to realizing that you have been a true friend to someone... All this while, i thought that there are people that i always hurt, things that i do wrong, something that is not right with me... but that night... i felt proud of myself... and with my friends too and felt lucky to have those people being part of my life. 

That night we had a little game to comment about each other genuinely that what are the positive and negative things bout each other...  Five of us took turns to express our view on each other... and so did I. As it was my turn to receive comments... i was to touched to realize that these are the true friends that RECOGNIZE me... some people just call themselves as friend by just being spending time... but true friends are the one that get connected by heart, understanding what you are feeling deep inside... understanding your actions for real..

So in my 3 years of Uni life, i can say that no matter if i have not achieved the best marks or being the best student... i have definitely be a better person and a true friend... It is very important to learn from every single experience in your life no matter how worst or killing it could be because at the end you will realize that it was a lesson to be someone better out of it... no point crying over same things over and over again... no point blaming others for the results in your life, no point waiting for others to help you, no point waiting for someone to care and love for you... You love yourself 1st, care for yourself 1st, help yourself 1st, laugh yourself 1st... and life will get rocking... :)