During studies, I can be late, take my own sweet time to go class, skip whenever I don't feel like going for classes and lots more. Once you start working, the 1st thing that cross your mind is that "I am an adult now, no more a teenager or adolescent" and this statement is proven more correct when you received your 1st salary. 1st salary do makes you feel worth it for all hard work but when it comes to financial management then it is another matter to look into to make sure you survive for the following month.
Yet, how difficult things can be, the only thing you need to do is to absorb as much as possible and get going so that as you move on you are not moving empty handed but holding valuable experiences, beliefs and values with you :)
Another matter is also proven that the best way to gain knowledge is through your life. No other medium offers you everything to learn but LIFE.Always be open for new things to come in for better changes in present and future.. :)