Thursday 29 August 2013

Last Day of work....

29/08/2013... the last day of work at OCBC bank as customer service executive. I spent one and half year there and learn a lot as well since it was my first job after graduation. It was a tough yet pleasant journey. Basically, as any other job, there were days you wish did not came by and some days you glad they did. I met so many different type of people here, mostly good ones that even end up being my friend out from office. Some of the managers are just awesome the way they are and am truly expressing my gratitude for my own team manager, more like a friend I will say.

One of the thing that I felt good is that, I left with highest scorecard in my team and with one of the high schedule adherence acknowledgement. I was able to guide some newbies that just hit the floor as well and also got to know from one of my colleagues that how "popular" was I during my beginning of job for some cases. God....

More than having to join new  company excitement, realizing that  there are people who going to miss you is more satisfactory. It increases my own confidence that even after I'm gone, there are some people who will miss me.

Wish I could stay, but it is very important to get going in life to develop the very best out  of you.

Looking forward for my new job soon!!

Tuesday 20 August 2013

How to manage good relationship?

Many of us will come across this question in life...especially when being with the one that you love the most.
Some choose to ignore and some choose to find the answer. I will share my view on how to manage good relationship.

In my opinion, there is 4 important elements to maintain a good relationship: listen,understand,trust and accept. I will brief one by one with simple examples.


Everyone need someone to be there to listen to them doesn't matter either positive or negative. We just don't want to feel stupid talking to ourselves especially when there are issues going on. No matter if we are fighting or having one of those good days, it is important to be there to listen. When one avoids or ignores you and refuse to listen, that is when things get worst and we begin to develop negative thoughts and end up in anger or depression which results nothing worst than hating the one we love. So when one is calling you or trying to speak to you, give response and acknowledgement that you will listen to what your loved one has to say because as long you refuse to listen, things don't get sort out.


Just listening blankly is worst than being honest that you are not in the mood to listen, as I said give acknowledgement. When you are with someone and decides to spend the rest of your life with him/her, it will only come true if you understand the person,so called the other half of you. If the one you love is behaving in weird or unacceptable way, understand first why is it in that particular manner before making any conclusions. We must try to see things from his/her point so that things can be sort out. Many of us fail to understand our partner which leads to fights and arguments that could have been avoided easily: via listening and understanding.


How can you love someone if you cannot trust him/her? In my personal view, one can never love without trust. To love is to trust and to trust is to love. Trust has to be slightly higher than jealousy. Trust me having a jealous gf/bf is what you should have, the moment your partner is not jealous, that means he/she might be in deep contact with someone else. Honestly, I even get jealous when my bf speaks to his best friend who is a girl and also friend of mine but I listen and understand their friendship because my trust towards my bf is higher than me feeling jealous. But how if your partner's behaviour do not reflect that he/she trust you?
That is when both should be there to LISTEN and UNDERSTAND which leads to developing trust in relationships. As long the other is missing in action,these unwanted feeling and thoughts just develop and crush you from inside.


The most important core but yet difficult. Personally, it is never easy to accept someone the way they are. There will always be some space  for changes that you would want to do in your partner. Some for good like helping the partner to stop smoking or partner having you to drink less when socialising. These are good changes that is healthy mentally, emotionally and physically. No harm to try it if it is for your own good. Some for bad like asking to stop talking to your good friends for no specific reason, asking you not to have social life where if you do so, you tend to be alone most of time because one of you don't spare enough time for each other, these are not healthy changes. This needs to be avoided. Despite the matter that the one you love is good or bad, always accept without any judgement because as long you feel not accepted the way you are by your partner that is when one tend to be vulnerable and rebellious.

Well, these are solely my opinions for maintaining a good relationship, it goes the same for girls and boys equally. In love it is important to spare time to listen to your partner, to understand their issue and their point of view, to have trust in their action without any doubt and finally accept they way they are because if they are not right you wouldn't have fell in love at the first place.

Most important never ignore or avoid your partner for any reason, things get worst and your relationships will be affected for long term moreover if you do not know how to recover well from an argument or misunderstandings. To all those in relationship, with your parents, loved one,friends..this goes for you!

Tuesday 6 August 2013


I have been  missing for too long from my blog, guess had a total change of something known as "LIFE". In the past one year, a lot of thing happened in my life...good,bad,failure,success,heartbreaks,happiness,self-development...and the list never ends. So for my come back again let me just brief in short what has been going on.

As all aware, I was already working and everyday was a struggle to wake up and survive the day of work but most of the days went on very well. I had new manager at work who is like a friend, awesome working colleagues where some end up with good friendship than just working mates. Some still stayed there and some left but yet made a wonderful remark in my heart. Updates for job is that I will be joining a new company soon and I'm a little sad for leaving my current job, after all this was my first job where I learnt a lot especially for my self-development.

Coming to my family, all been good with more improved relationships between us but the sad part is that we lost one of most wonderful son and brother we had, Dharamjeet @Bhemu. The world actually came to end for us on 22/12/2012. He is deeply missed until today and will always be, he is always alive in our memories and hearts.

Moving on to my personal life, I have actually "moved on" a lot. I meant I let go of those don't deserve any space in my life after all it is limited. I also opened my arms to new friends and relationships. In short, at this point of times, I have only those people as friend that deserves to be a friend. We might not meet often or talk often, but when I need any of them, they are always there to hear me.  

Speaking of my LOVE life.... reading back there was a post I wrote about my dream guy... and he is here :) Out of no where, we happened to come together as one. Totally unexpected, it's been few months and all good and I'm just rising in love more and more each day. 

Well, that was brief about what has been going on in my life  while I was missing and hopefully after this no more missing in action!

So cheers people... there is always a comeback whenever you want... :)   

Saturday 5 May 2012

My Life, My "Hubby"

Don't get surprised to read the title... My "Hubby" here is my CAR.. YES!!!!!!! Finally i got it.. after waiting for so long.. My own MYVI 1.5 SE. Since the first day I joined Uni, I always had in my mind to complete my studies and then to work..within 3 months I will get my own car.

On 28th April I went and took the car. Trust me..It felt so feels so independent being able to get my own car and to be actually paying for it. Took the white color instead of the yellow...

Basically, it really showed that if you are really into something and there is nothing coming in your way... you should just get going and shall find the way to get it...

Sunday 22 April 2012

My Life, My Moments

Its been a while since I posted anything new... well that's because there is nothing much going on in my life but still it doesn't meant there is nothing for me to share here. Recently, I have been feeling good about myself even though sometimes things get out of control but at the end its all well.  ;0

Moving forward with new job, new life, new place and new excitement in life. A lot of challenges coming my way but still walking through it every step. By doing so, it reflects in my mind that how far I have come and how far I will be going. By reflecting through certain moments makes me feels good and stronger. 

Everyone should take sometime off to reflect back on own life journey to keep us energize to move forward with better results in the end. Besides that, we should always reward ourselves for our hard-work and effort in making our life better today for such getting ourself the t-shirt we have been wanting for, listening to songs that relaxes mind, grabbing some junk-food( don't bother bout putting on weight for that time) or just out for movie and spend some money that you have earn for month.

Chaozzzz :-)

Saturday 17 March 2012

My Life, My Convocation

Today I had one of the best day in my life...the day that i own on my own..all my efforts and dreams that I have worked for has been proved successful to me today... Watching the happiness on my parents and family faces really gives you a marvellous feeling... Dreams do come true... The dream that I have been living for more than 3 years has came true today... This definitely encourages me to keep on dreaming and to put effort to achieve it.. many more dreams to come true... :)

Wednesday 29 February 2012

My Life, My Self

Physically there are nothing much I am doing daily besides going to work but mentally a lot of things are happening in my mind. Every day feels like a new challenge for me even though if it is just the matter of waking up in the morning for work, walking to bus stop, waiting for bus, taking lunch within time given... everything... things are very much different now.

During studies, I can be late, take my own sweet time to go class, skip whenever I don't feel like going for classes and lots more. Once you start working, the 1st thing that cross your mind is that "I am an adult now, no more a teenager or adolescent" and this statement is proven more correct when you received your 1st salary. 1st salary do makes you feel worth it for all hard work but when it comes to financial management then it is another matter to look into to make sure you survive for the following month. 

Yet, how difficult things can be, the only thing you need to do is to absorb as much as possible and get going so that as you move on you are not moving empty handed but holding valuable experiences, beliefs and values with you :)

 Another matter is also proven that the best way to gain knowledge is through your life. No other medium offers you everything to learn but LIFE.Always be open for new things to come in for better changes in present and future.. :)