Sunday 24 July 2011

My Life, My Studies...

Today i wish to write about my studies... hhhmmm.. my studies... in real my studies never been such easy thing to do... but still studying is the one that i love doing and never get tired off...
My studies begin in my primary school as i didn't go for any kindergarten or nursery... my mum was my first teacher.. i still remember that mum will buy exercise books and teach me by writing all the numbers and spelling things... and thanx to mum that when i joined primary school all the teachers were surprised as i was gud in studies and my communication skills... especially in malay... it was difficult for them to believe that i did not join any preschool... hahahaha
Primary school life was really nice with all the mischievous behavior of mine... trust me!!! m never a quiet student ( everyone knows that now)... and as for punishments hell yeah... i was slapped by teacher twice... hahaha once for not finishing my homework and second for keep on talking till not listening to her.... wow!!! but then there were many good memories as well... such as being praised by teacher for getting high marks in exams... for being such a sweet and helful student, for keep on going on stage for competitions( story telling) and also there was once during std 6...i wasnt allowed to go extra classes n etc.. so i will ask the extra classes homework in advance and will complete it by myself... once i finish my work and all the other students that attend extra classes did not complete their work.. so they were all sent to stand outside of class and me alone in the class listening to teacher praising me.. nice...


then it came secondary... new excitement but boring coz girls skull... hahaha... secondary was punishment but yeah still the same noisy me... during my spm, before exams we were wishing our teachers all selamat hari raya and deepavali as well.. so i went and wish my maths teacher( pn. rani) happy deepavali and she scolded me back saying that if i dont get A for her maths paper then i better watch out... hahahaha... so funny.. and then for my spm trial i got A2 for maths.... and she called me and scolded me again.... " wat is tiz??? why A2?? tats why la always talk2 in the class huh!!!! '.............. i was blurred, i mean A2 for spm trial is oso gud la... but she was rite coz act i can get more than that.. hahahaha.... such lovely schooling days.....

then i went for form 6..... finally school wit guys something different..... but all oso mangkuk type.. hahaha... was fun and during form 6 i was the bully... YES YES YES... i bully guys in my class...there were 7 guys in my class and i bully all of them... till not even one dare mess with me... even guys teachers oso i bully... there was Mr. San ( indian sir, teaching muet).... he and me will always argue on topic that girls r better... then one day, he was teaching on  impromptu speaking..there was a title that" girls are better than boys" i ask for that topic he didn't gv me... then everyone was allowed in discussion after each person present their points.... after my fren present his points by stating that boys are better than girl..i raise up my hand and the sir told me...' satvinder, pls let others to speak... m sure u have a lot but save it for some other time..."    aaarrggghhhh... menyampah je i.,... hahahahaha


and now finally in UTAR..doing my dream course ( Psychology) and waiting forward for graduation...... every school, every year, every teacher, every classmate create something new in me.... and something that i cherish everyday... i have so many wonderful memories to live with so  i chose not to bother about the "unwanted" memories......   now when i think back, i miss every single fun at that point which makes me realize that don't wait opportunity to do something better or to have fun... but you yourself give chance to yourself to do something greater every moment... everyday.... :)


Tuesday 12 July 2011

My Life, My Dream Guy

My Life, My Dream Guy

Well... today i decided to post about my dream guys just for a sharing... and if any of you came across this kind of guys kindly inform me... hahahahahaha.. jus kidding as i always believe that things happen accordingly so when the time come i will meet him...

maybe i already have but just havent realise... hhmmm.. lets wait and watch...

My Dream Guy.....

He is a tall, handsome with a cute smile on his face... crop hair with clean shave...( french beard will do)...
He is the most loving and caring guy that any girl would want to have. He loves me more than he has love anyone in this world( exception for his family)...
He take care about every small things related to me... such as my eating habits, when m stressed, when i am missing him... he should know what to do then...
He is the most romantic guy as in he has his own style of bringing smile to my face, knows how to surprise me( its difficult to hide if any surprise is being planned for me..hehehe).. surprise visits, surprise bouquet, candle light dinner with music in background,etc...

He is financially independent as in is involve with good employment...
He knows how to plan our future to make our lifes full with happiness,love and care...
If by chance I do get upset or angry, he knows how to make me happy again( pujuk)... 
We travels to places all around the world...
He accept me the way I am and I shall accept him the way he is... :)

He understands me and will sweetly scold me if I dont eat on time or not taking care of myself...
He is the one with whom i will spend my whole life with full of love, trust, happiness and understanding...
He has the Bollywood type of ideas to express his love...

So, basically this is the character that i seek in guy to be my partner..and if you think that why the guy is to be expected to be that way..wat bout me..??? then its very simple because i believe in "Perception is Projection" if m seeking that characters then definitely the guy will have the same from me... :)

Friday 8 July 2011

My Life, My Cutie Pie

Cutie pie of my life.... Rajpreet Singh and Reshvyn Kaur.... my nephew and my niece... These "little devils" has always been the sweetest thing in my life... they are so naughty, smart, talkactive, hilarious and crazy like me sometimes... love them so much and whenever if i am out from the house for few days without them, they are the 1st one that i will miss...   I pray for them to be always happy in their life and may all the happiness in the world be blessed onto them...

My Life, My Dreams

I have my dreams that some has been fulfilled and some is yet to accomplished. So i decided to share my dreams because i believe that dreams should have no limitations so that the effort we put in to achieve our dreams will be also unlimited...
My Dream...

  • I have First Class Honour Degree in Psychology, University Tunku Abdul Rahman
  • I have complete my Masters in Clinical Psychology
  • I have complete my PhD in Clinical Psychology
  • I have my dream house...
  • I have my dream guy...
  • I will buy BMW for my dad...
  • i will go for world tour with my family...
  • I choose to be happy all the time...

So, these are the dreams that i have in my mind FOR NOW!!! If you are wondering that why i wrote my dreams in present tense instead of future tense is because of the magic of life... We should always ask for things the way we want it instead of waiting for it...  for simple example, when i say i have my first class gives out the vibration to the universe that I HAVE IT ALREADY... instead of sayin that I WILL HAVE MY DEGREE... so it forwards the moment without achievin it... IN SIMPLE WAY...SAY IT THE WAY U WANT IT...

My Life, My Family....

I have such a wonderful family that are always loving and caring for each other despite of all the storms that strikes our house... i have great and awesome dad is has always been so supportive... dad..i love you so much.. you have been working hard to support its my turn to fulfill all your dreams...

My mum... wo is always tensed about her family...worrying for their happiness but never think about herself... tats the only bad thing about mum... you have always give your best for everyone... and now its time for you to get what you deserve... love you loadzzz....

i love all my siblings too... my niece,my nephew... my cousins..... love yea all.....

Beginning of my life...

biologically our life begin the day we are born into this world... but for me, the day we are is the day we are begin to emerge into this world but the actual life develop throughout our whole experience despite of our childhood, adolescent, adulthood or even till the last breath of our life... the reason i decided to have blog is to be able to share and to acknowledge the important things and people in my life coz life is a never ending process.....