Tuesday 12 July 2011

My Life, My Dream Guy

My Life, My Dream Guy

Well... today i decided to post about my dream guys just for a sharing... and if any of you came across this kind of guys kindly inform me... hahahahahaha.. jus kidding as i always believe that things happen accordingly so when the time come i will meet him...

maybe i already have but just havent realise... hhmmm.. lets wait and watch...

My Dream Guy.....

He is a tall, handsome with a cute smile on his face... crop hair with clean shave...( french beard will do)...
He is the most loving and caring guy that any girl would want to have. He loves me more than he has love anyone in this world( exception for his family)...
He take care about every small things related to me... such as my eating habits, when m stressed, when i am missing him... he should know what to do then...
He is the most romantic guy as in he has his own style of bringing smile to my face, knows how to surprise me( its difficult to hide if any surprise is being planned for me..hehehe).. surprise visits, surprise bouquet, candle light dinner with music in background,etc...

He is financially independent as in is involve with good employment...
He knows how to plan our future to make our lifes full with happiness,love and care...
If by chance I do get upset or angry, he knows how to make me happy again( pujuk)... 
We travels to places all around the world...
He accept me the way I am and I shall accept him the way he is... :)

He understands me and will sweetly scold me if I dont eat on time or not taking care of myself...
He is the one with whom i will spend my whole life with full of love, trust, happiness and understanding...
He has the Bollywood type of ideas to express his love...

So, basically this is the character that i seek in guy to be my partner..and if you think that why the guy is to be expected to be that way..wat bout me..??? then its very simple because i believe in "Perception is Projection" if m seeking that characters then definitely the guy will have the same from me... :)

1 comment:

  1. Ehem ehem... let me find...will let you know ASAP!!!
