Saturday 26 November 2011

My Life, My Memories....

I would like to share about my memories in UTAR for the past 3 years... a lot of good things and bad things happen in my life... but at the end i wish to take it all as lesson of life and to be the best out of me... 
Well, i join UTAR in Jan 2009... and it was a saturday when i came to Kampar 1st time with Sumitha( my secondary school fren and my room mate in 1407) ....

I was very very excited for this new journey of my life...the excitement to stay away from family, to miss mum's food... to be independent.. and to be "devil" among the people around u... don't mistaken "devil" as in doing bad... devil here as in being naughty...

Despite of all this, the best part is friends.. but the bad part is friends as well.... CONFUSED???? i will explain...

Everytime in our lives, no matter where we are..there will be people around us being part of our life the one we call as FRIENDS.... but sometimes.... actually most of the time we choose the wrong person as friend as someone to trust... and that is when Friends become the bad part... 
So... coming to UTAR i had lots of friends.. infact still do... but the difference of before and now is that.... before i just recognize them by surface but now.. i know them deep inside... i came through friends that were friends when i was bad... friends when i will follow them in everything.. friends that saw my tears behind my smile... friends that brought tears to my smile... friends that always stood by my side to fight for me... friends that stood at the opposite side to fight with me... friends that i was hurt to trust... friends that i was lucky to have... friends that never stop loving me for who i was and who i am.... friends that talked behind me... friends that point their fingers at me... friends that never understood me.. friends that used me... friends that betray me... and trust me this list will never end... lolx

In UTAR... i am glad that i came across few real friends in my life... they may not msg me everyday.. they may not see me everyday..they may not need to be told that they are my friends... they are just FRIENDS.... REAL FRIENDS.... firstly i would share about my 2 top friends in UTAR.... RAJ & UMIE .... this two people are amazing... they understand me truly and understand my feelings... we get crazy certain times..get serious... even get emo...( well, emo part would be me la..lolx) ... whenever something good happen to me... RAJ &UMIE is there... when something bad happens... RAJ &UMIE still there... if i were going the wrong way... they stood there to hold my hand when i wish to change... when someone say something bout me.. they are the one that dare to shut their mouth... ( infact no one dare to say anything bout me in their presence) ... I will seriously miss them a lot... in fact now also i do...  u guys has been amazing friends... i am so lucky to have you... and i will never let u guys go away... :)

Besides, there are few other friends that i would like to mention here as well... Josheen & Hiro... dear, u have been such a sweetheart... ur truly urself... seriously, i have never seen anyone like u guys.. i know that i can count on you guys whenever i need too... eventhough we do not really spent much time together... whenever i have spent time with u guys.. i have always felt amazed by you two... and both of you compliment each other in such a perfect way... i pray to god that god bless you two with a lot of success in life... :) Josheen darling... you are such a modest person i have ever met... and i actualy learnt somethings from you... muahxxxx.... 

Hamara.... lolx... this fellow always make me smile... such a mad fellow... even though we started to get to know each other just few mths back.. but he is another friend that i can definitely count on... he can get crazy at times and yet serious at time as well... and he will definitely keep on crack jokes... and like it whenever i bully him.. lolx.. he dont say it but i knew it... are another friend that i am glad i got to know in UTAR.... 

Kin teng.... mangkuk fellow... he is a dude that act tough outside but has such a cute feelings... trust me...!!!!!!! many of his other frens would agree on this... he is a heart fren... :) he knows when m sad or at least when i need to talk to someone... miss those internship time with all the fun... its all kept in heart... dont wana miss a heart fren like you... 

Nathan... you are such a darling... yes.. you will just pop out right on time and make me feel better whenever i am not in the mood..without you realising it..( i suppose).. hahahaha... and one thing that i can never forget was during psychology prom nite 2010..during rehearsal at heritage hall.. we were talking and i mention bout being single... and u told me that " you know wat are such a nice nice girl" ... i could never forget this line... it has stick to my heart till today .. you noe why... bcoz no one has ever told me that so direct... and whenever i get lonely and emoing for being single your dialogue comes to my mind and gives me comfort tat i am such a nice nice girl.. its just that no nice guy has notice me yet... lolx... you are also one of the firned that i will never forget... :)

well, these are some of friends that came to my mind while writting this... and for sure i have not forget all the other friends i have met in UTAR..every single one of you.... janesh, cva,ragy,meera,yuma,menu, zi ying, chris, kean tat( the leng chai in class).... ruben..subhash...vv,dhurkah,prasad,nagin,...... and lots more... :) No matter good or bad happen between us..there is definitely something that i have learnt.... love u guys all...... missinggggggg you all.....

P/S : (if your name is not here, doesn't meant i have forgot are to be written randomly..but memories are always captured in heart..)

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