Saturday 5 May 2012

My Life, My "Hubby"

Don't get surprised to read the title... My "Hubby" here is my CAR.. YES!!!!!!! Finally i got it.. after waiting for so long.. My own MYVI 1.5 SE. Since the first day I joined Uni, I always had in my mind to complete my studies and then to work..within 3 months I will get my own car.

On 28th April I went and took the car. Trust me..It felt so feels so independent being able to get my own car and to be actually paying for it. Took the white color instead of the yellow...

Basically, it really showed that if you are really into something and there is nothing coming in your way... you should just get going and shall find the way to get it...

Sunday 22 April 2012

My Life, My Moments

Its been a while since I posted anything new... well that's because there is nothing much going on in my life but still it doesn't meant there is nothing for me to share here. Recently, I have been feeling good about myself even though sometimes things get out of control but at the end its all well.  ;0

Moving forward with new job, new life, new place and new excitement in life. A lot of challenges coming my way but still walking through it every step. By doing so, it reflects in my mind that how far I have come and how far I will be going. By reflecting through certain moments makes me feels good and stronger. 

Everyone should take sometime off to reflect back on own life journey to keep us energize to move forward with better results in the end. Besides that, we should always reward ourselves for our hard-work and effort in making our life better today for such getting ourself the t-shirt we have been wanting for, listening to songs that relaxes mind, grabbing some junk-food( don't bother bout putting on weight for that time) or just out for movie and spend some money that you have earn for month.

Chaozzzz :-)

Saturday 17 March 2012

My Life, My Convocation

Today I had one of the best day in my life...the day that i own on my own..all my efforts and dreams that I have worked for has been proved successful to me today... Watching the happiness on my parents and family faces really gives you a marvellous feeling... Dreams do come true... The dream that I have been living for more than 3 years has came true today... This definitely encourages me to keep on dreaming and to put effort to achieve it.. many more dreams to come true... :)

Wednesday 29 February 2012

My Life, My Self

Physically there are nothing much I am doing daily besides going to work but mentally a lot of things are happening in my mind. Every day feels like a new challenge for me even though if it is just the matter of waking up in the morning for work, walking to bus stop, waiting for bus, taking lunch within time given... everything... things are very much different now.

During studies, I can be late, take my own sweet time to go class, skip whenever I don't feel like going for classes and lots more. Once you start working, the 1st thing that cross your mind is that "I am an adult now, no more a teenager or adolescent" and this statement is proven more correct when you received your 1st salary. 1st salary do makes you feel worth it for all hard work but when it comes to financial management then it is another matter to look into to make sure you survive for the following month. 

Yet, how difficult things can be, the only thing you need to do is to absorb as much as possible and get going so that as you move on you are not moving empty handed but holding valuable experiences, beliefs and values with you :)

 Another matter is also proven that the best way to gain knowledge is through your life. No other medium offers you everything to learn but LIFE.Always be open for new things to come in for better changes in present and future.. :)

Friday 10 February 2012

My Life, My 1st Day at Work

My 1st day at work.... Since it is my 1st day... and I need to get bus to work.. so I do not want to be late to work and I got up at 6.30 in the morning and took bus at 7.40am and reach my working place at 8.00am which was 45 minutes early... YES!!!!!!!!!!! 45 mins... so I waited there for other newbies to arrive.

We were introduced to our trainer..Mr. Ady. He is a good trainer whereby he share his useful experience with us... As for the working environment, the place is very pleasing and calm..the staff smile at you.. always there to assist you.. there is place to relax.. with drinks vending machine... overall its nice.. :)

Now I am on training for 2 months and looking forward to hit the floor... :)

Tuesday 31 January 2012

My Life, You Are Too Tall

Sounds weird aye.... CORRECT!!!!! That is what I got to hear after I went for Air Asia interview today for the position of cabin crew.

Basically, I already have a job... but still no harm in giving a try as was pursued by my family and friends, I chose to give a try for this job..Well, just in case you never know being cabin crew was my first ever dream job. So basically, I came to my aunt house and took my cousin with me by getting up early at 5.45 am and begin our journey to Air Asia Academy which took us almost 2 hours by car.

There were many people already in the queue waiting to get in for the interview process. So after waiting in the queue for almost 30 mins, I wrote my name for registration and went in for the height measurement. I was a bit nervous for the other stages of interview and was trying to figure out how am I suppose to answer the questions that will be thrown at me during the interview session and was totally cool for the height measurement process.

So we were required to carry out our height measurement barefoot and so I did. One of the lady measured my height and the other lady wrote it in my form but just few seconds after writing it she turned to the 1st lady and asked her if I am really that tall... so the lady told me to get on the scale again and after they measured I was told.. " SORRY, YOU ARE TOO TALL FOR THIS JOB" and I was like .. :what???????' and then I just went away laughing... for a while it was annoying since I came long way to get there and ended up before anything could begin.. but still... not done..  and I don't understand why guys limits are set to be higher.. cant girls be taller than guys..??????

Well, this is just something to share... yet..totally joke of the day for me... not my fault if I am tall... :0


Friday 13 January 2012

My Life, My Job Search

It has been 3 weeks since I am done with my Finale exam in UTAR and I have received my finale results as well but still there is no sign of job confirmation yet.

It feels kind of annoying at times when you know that you are putting so much effort searching for jobs, sending resumes, calling up the companies, traveling for interview but yet I don't seem to come across job that is very much relevant to my field of study, psychology. Well, basically Psychology is relevant to any field as long it deals with humans but still I will be happy if I could come across a job that really requires my skills and 3 years of psychology subjects taken back in UTAR compared to more of my own basic application. 

Until today, I went for two interviews, one for the government and the other for international bank as customer service executive. For the first one I still need to go through other interview sessions before being able to join the work and as for the customer service executive is basically a call center thing dealing with Singaporeans clients but when coming to thinking I did not do my degree just to be in call center but if given a second thought there is no harm as I will gain experience and will earn money on my own which is far more better than just being at home doing nothing. 

But somehow I pray and believe that I will end up at a place that I enjoy working because I have always believe that it is important to enjoy your work than having it just for the sake of money as it helps you to be more productive and active at working environment. 

Well, lets pray to GOD that I do come across a good job as soon as possible.