Friday 13 January 2012

My Life, My Job Search

It has been 3 weeks since I am done with my Finale exam in UTAR and I have received my finale results as well but still there is no sign of job confirmation yet.

It feels kind of annoying at times when you know that you are putting so much effort searching for jobs, sending resumes, calling up the companies, traveling for interview but yet I don't seem to come across job that is very much relevant to my field of study, psychology. Well, basically Psychology is relevant to any field as long it deals with humans but still I will be happy if I could come across a job that really requires my skills and 3 years of psychology subjects taken back in UTAR compared to more of my own basic application. 

Until today, I went for two interviews, one for the government and the other for international bank as customer service executive. For the first one I still need to go through other interview sessions before being able to join the work and as for the customer service executive is basically a call center thing dealing with Singaporeans clients but when coming to thinking I did not do my degree just to be in call center but if given a second thought there is no harm as I will gain experience and will earn money on my own which is far more better than just being at home doing nothing. 

But somehow I pray and believe that I will end up at a place that I enjoy working because I have always believe that it is important to enjoy your work than having it just for the sake of money as it helps you to be more productive and active at working environment. 

Well, lets pray to GOD that I do come across a good job as soon as possible.


  1. BAD or GOOd i will always miss you cause no ppl to fight and argue ,, have same head and see mirror image sometimes.. hehehhe gonna miss you la mangkuk.. all the best in future.. kip in tuc!!!!

  2. of coz... miss u too.... :) hope to c u soon
