Wednesday 21 December 2011

My Life, My Studies Completion

19th December 2011 is the day where I have officially complete my studies... 3 years of education in UTAR has definitely embrace me with tonnes of memories and experiences that shaped myself to be a better person today :) It was a very emotional day for me... I couldn't express it in any better way by hugging my friends and by having tears in my eyes. Since, it was my final day so i decided to stay over at Kampar to spend precious moments with my friends...

That night five of us went to hang out at lakeside... and had a little game among us... till the end of game... i became so emotional hearing to what my frenz thinks bout me... and then it just hit me.. that sometimes going for tertiary education, college, politeknik... is not all about being the top student, to get great marks... to be excel in every task in class.. but it is to come to an end with the realization of being a better person and more important a true friend...

Yes... infact i went to UTAR to score good marks and to be among top scorers in class and i even succeed in it.. but tat happiness does not last long compared to realizing that you have been a true friend to someone... All this while, i thought that there are people that i always hurt, things that i do wrong, something that is not right with me... but that night... i felt proud of myself... and with my friends too and felt lucky to have those people being part of my life. 

That night we had a little game to comment about each other genuinely that what are the positive and negative things bout each other...  Five of us took turns to express our view on each other... and so did I. As it was my turn to receive comments... i was to touched to realize that these are the true friends that RECOGNIZE me... some people just call themselves as friend by just being spending time... but true friends are the one that get connected by heart, understanding what you are feeling deep inside... understanding your actions for real..

So in my 3 years of Uni life, i can say that no matter if i have not achieved the best marks or being the best student... i have definitely be a better person and a true friend... It is very important to learn from every single experience in your life no matter how worst or killing it could be because at the end you will realize that it was a lesson to be someone better out of it... no point crying over same things over and over again... no point blaming others for the results in your life, no point waiting for others to help you, no point waiting for someone to care and love for you... You love yourself 1st, care for yourself 1st, help yourself 1st, laugh yourself 1st... and life will get rocking... :)

Saturday 26 November 2011

My Life, My Memories....

I would like to share about my memories in UTAR for the past 3 years... a lot of good things and bad things happen in my life... but at the end i wish to take it all as lesson of life and to be the best out of me... 
Well, i join UTAR in Jan 2009... and it was a saturday when i came to Kampar 1st time with Sumitha( my secondary school fren and my room mate in 1407) ....

I was very very excited for this new journey of my life...the excitement to stay away from family, to miss mum's food... to be independent.. and to be "devil" among the people around u... don't mistaken "devil" as in doing bad... devil here as in being naughty...

Despite of all this, the best part is friends.. but the bad part is friends as well.... CONFUSED???? i will explain...

Everytime in our lives, no matter where we are..there will be people around us being part of our life the one we call as FRIENDS.... but sometimes.... actually most of the time we choose the wrong person as friend as someone to trust... and that is when Friends become the bad part... 
So... coming to UTAR i had lots of friends.. infact still do... but the difference of before and now is that.... before i just recognize them by surface but now.. i know them deep inside... i came through friends that were friends when i was bad... friends when i will follow them in everything.. friends that saw my tears behind my smile... friends that brought tears to my smile... friends that always stood by my side to fight for me... friends that stood at the opposite side to fight with me... friends that i was hurt to trust... friends that i was lucky to have... friends that never stop loving me for who i was and who i am.... friends that talked behind me... friends that point their fingers at me... friends that never understood me.. friends that used me... friends that betray me... and trust me this list will never end... lolx

In UTAR... i am glad that i came across few real friends in my life... they may not msg me everyday.. they may not see me everyday..they may not need to be told that they are my friends... they are just FRIENDS.... REAL FRIENDS.... firstly i would share about my 2 top friends in UTAR.... RAJ & UMIE .... this two people are amazing... they understand me truly and understand my feelings... we get crazy certain times..get serious... even get emo...( well, emo part would be me la..lolx) ... whenever something good happen to me... RAJ &UMIE is there... when something bad happens... RAJ &UMIE still there... if i were going the wrong way... they stood there to hold my hand when i wish to change... when someone say something bout me.. they are the one that dare to shut their mouth... ( infact no one dare to say anything bout me in their presence) ... I will seriously miss them a lot... in fact now also i do...  u guys has been amazing friends... i am so lucky to have you... and i will never let u guys go away... :)

Besides, there are few other friends that i would like to mention here as well... Josheen & Hiro... dear, u have been such a sweetheart... ur truly urself... seriously, i have never seen anyone like u guys.. i know that i can count on you guys whenever i need too... eventhough we do not really spent much time together... whenever i have spent time with u guys.. i have always felt amazed by you two... and both of you compliment each other in such a perfect way... i pray to god that god bless you two with a lot of success in life... :) Josheen darling... you are such a modest person i have ever met... and i actualy learnt somethings from you... muahxxxx.... 

Hamara.... lolx... this fellow always make me smile... such a mad fellow... even though we started to get to know each other just few mths back.. but he is another friend that i can definitely count on... he can get crazy at times and yet serious at time as well... and he will definitely keep on crack jokes... and like it whenever i bully him.. lolx.. he dont say it but i knew it... are another friend that i am glad i got to know in UTAR.... 

Kin teng.... mangkuk fellow... he is a dude that act tough outside but has such a cute feelings... trust me...!!!!!!! many of his other frens would agree on this... he is a heart fren... :) he knows when m sad or at least when i need to talk to someone... miss those internship time with all the fun... its all kept in heart... dont wana miss a heart fren like you... 

Nathan... you are such a darling... yes.. you will just pop out right on time and make me feel better whenever i am not in the mood..without you realising it..( i suppose).. hahahaha... and one thing that i can never forget was during psychology prom nite 2010..during rehearsal at heritage hall.. we were talking and i mention bout being single... and u told me that " you know wat are such a nice nice girl" ... i could never forget this line... it has stick to my heart till today .. you noe why... bcoz no one has ever told me that so direct... and whenever i get lonely and emoing for being single your dialogue comes to my mind and gives me comfort tat i am such a nice nice girl.. its just that no nice guy has notice me yet... lolx... you are also one of the firned that i will never forget... :)

well, these are some of friends that came to my mind while writting this... and for sure i have not forget all the other friends i have met in UTAR..every single one of you.... janesh, cva,ragy,meera,yuma,menu, zi ying, chris, kean tat( the leng chai in class).... ruben..subhash...vv,dhurkah,prasad,nagin,...... and lots more... :) No matter good or bad happen between us..there is definitely something that i have learnt.... love u guys all...... missinggggggg you all.....

P/S : (if your name is not here, doesn't meant i have forgot are to be written randomly..but memories are always captured in heart..)

My Life, My Final Year Project.

M updating my blog after such a long time... well...wat to do been totally busy with my final year project (FYP)
yeap..FYP it is... and my FYP is based on paranormal beliefs and personality... so it really sounds interesting and infact it is... but still it would have been much better if i could use some other data collection methods such as observation or helding some paranormal experiment...

but still after spending 7 months on it.. i have successfully finished it and submitted on 25th nov 2011 to my supervisor... :)

the process of completing it was never easy.. and of course very stressful at times when you are so lost and unsure where to continue.. but still m glad that i was strong enough to get over the stress and also to have support from my family and friends that always kept me to get going for it..  trust me.. when you working on this kind of thesis or project, supports from people around you is very crucial at times... it gives you a shoulder to lean your head....

one of the difficulty i faced for my fyp is the APA format... i am not so good with it... and again thanx to some of my frens that told me my mistakes and taught me to correct it.. or else that mistakes would have cost me to lost my marks for sure..

when you are woking on projects, the most important thing is to be ready mentally and emotionally because it stresses alot on this two elements... and whenever you are down with it.. you must know how to get over it at a snap or else it will be dragged for long time and affects your productivity...

still, now that i have submit my FYP... i am still a little worry for the results... just hope i get the outcomes as expected... :)

Saturday 1 October 2011

My Life, My 23rd Birthday

22nd September 1988 is the most amazing day in the world as my mother gave birth to a lovely daughter named SATVINDERJIT KAUR( tatz me ;)  lolx...   This year i have officially turned 23 years old on 22nd September.

Basically this year birthday was just a rather normal wan without any surprises or any big celebration...
My birthday began with receiving birthday wishes through calls, sms and facebook. The 1st birthday wish i received on facebook is at 9.30 pm from one of ex Utarian junior and the 1st person to wish me on phone was my loving brother, Satpal followed by Subhash...  receiving birthday wishes at 12 am definitely makes me feel happy as it for sure signify that there are people that remember being around with me and are happy to have me in their life as family or friend... :) 

 So on 22nd which was a Thursday, i went to Ipoh since my dad is there and i do not wish to cut the cake without him.. bought a small cutie cake and drove to Ipoh and cut my birthday cake and went off to KFC for lunch... felt very relaxed as i already set my mind not to get tensed for anything on my special day... so basically it was a totally free day for me...where i was just eating and eating and eating... ( hahahahaha seriously have lost my diet plan since then)  and yet was still receiving birthday wishes from my lovely friends and cousins... but somehow there was a little part of me being sad because some of people that i thought as friends did not wish me and i was wondering that are they just to busy till cant even spare few seconds to msg me... and if they totally forgot about my birthday then i guess i make no difference in their life.. and i do not wish to acknowledge this kind of people true friends...  

Yet the surprising part is that my two bestie didnt wish me earlier which made me kind off pist off and i thought of not to msg them till the next day to find out if they either forgot that its my birthday or is that they just wana be the last one to wish me but i had no patience and i msg them stating that " do u have any idea that today is my birthday???' hahaha and straight away i got a call from one of them... and she told that she did msg me at late night but didnt realise that she didnt press the send button... hahaha so ok la... wish accepted... and the other bestie call me few minutes b4 my birthday end and i got to noe that he had to rush to hometown due to some unwanted circumstances... so his wish also accepted... and doink... there is new member in my fren list, HEART FREN... yes my heart fren... and i was already planning to screw him the next day since he also did not wish me but sharp at 11.59pm i received msg from him wishing me birthday and stating that he did not forget my birthday but he jus wanted to be the last person to wish me... :) so sweeetttttttt...

so basically that is all about my birthday.. and yes i also received a gift from my mum and dad..."ang pow", from my sis also 'ang pow" from my cousin a soft toy of blue angry bird, another "ang pow" from my masi ( mum's sis) and final "ang pow" from my younger bro.... :0

Oh yes..before i forgot.. my younger bro also send me a birthday song on fb which i wish to share on fb... felt a little annoyed but its cute :)

**** Special thanx to everyone that wish meon my birthday and made my day..especially mum and dad... :0

Wednesday 31 August 2011

My Life, My Love Perception

LOVE LOVE LOVE... some of us already have it and some of us still waiting for the special one... those who have it...never lose him/her... those who still don have the special one... you will have when the time is right... :)

Well... as about me..m still waiting for the one and only my MR.RIGHT...
But even though being single I have lot of love philosophy...Love is something very unique... no matter if it is love for your parents, siblings, friends or even your sweetheart...always express your feelings and always show your love as you definitely don't want to lose any moment without expression of this beautiful feeling... 

So i will just share some of my most favourite love quotes that is true indeed and touching...

- Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together .
- Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.
- Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.
- Kiss on the Neck: I want you, now.
- Kiss on the Shoulder: Your perfect.
- Kiss on the Lips: I LOVE YOU...
- Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
- Holding you tight pressed against each other: I want you.
- Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you, for who you are.
- Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.
- Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
- Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.
- If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely
in Love.
- Add this to ur favorites after reading!!
Or you will have a bad year of Relationships.
- and can't get them out of your head.
- then add this to your favorites within One Minute and Whoever you are missing
will surprise you.

* the reason i love this quote is because somehow it will give you the sense of realization either you are thinking about someone or not... so if u did... then learn your next step... *

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

"The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in."

* This quote reflects the most beautiful moments between couples which is to hold each other hand in the sense of never letting go each other....  and also same goes for parents and child...remember the 1st time we learnt o walk.. our parents are the 1st person in the world to fill up those gaps... so never ever stop loving your parents... *

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in track pants, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, "thats her"....

*12 signs your falling in love*

12. You'll read his/her txts over and over again...
11. You'll walk really really slow while you're with him/her...
10. You'll pretend 2 be shy whenever you're with him/her...
9. While thinking bout him/her...your heart will beat faster and faster...
8. By listening to his/her'll smile for no reason.
7. While looking at him/ cant see the other people around can only see that person...
6. You'll start listening to SLOW songs.
5. He/She becomes all you think about
4. You'll get high just by their smell...
3. You'll realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you think about them..
2. You'll do anything for him/her...
1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time.....

Friday 19 August 2011

My Life, My raksha bandhan

Today i wish to share on very small but yet important event in every sisters life.... THE RAKSHA BANDHAN....

It is the day, that sisters will tie colorful and decorated string on brothers right hand as a sign of love, care and blessings and in return brothers will give sisters either money or any item as gift with the promise to protect the sister from every problems upcoming her way.

this year rakhi was on 13th August 2011. honestly, this time i did not prepare any rakhi at 1st since i thought rakhi is at the end of august so i will post my rakhi to my brothers....  then my brothers came down from Kuala Lumpur and started to nag me on rakhi... so i went to shops looking for one and couldnt get any. then i had an idea of doing my own rakhi so i went searching for colorful strings and when i was at one of the shop the lady actually remind me that rakhi is tomorrow as in the day after when i was out searching....

lol.... i got lost for while coz i had NOTHING for this wonderful event..... and i went lyk SHIT!!!!!!!!! m so screwed... 1st tym i have no rakhis' for my brothers.... and then on way back driving, i was thinking what items are in my room that i can use to make rakhi... and then * ding dong*  got it!!! i have string for knitting and i went HELL YEAH!!! i got it.... so i search for some sequence in mum's sewing container...found some beads and i started to do my own rakhi..... it felt so nice..tat atleast now my brothers do not have to go back without the rakhis'  ......

so the next day before they make a move to my grandma house... i tied rakhi to them.... :)  and got angpow(money) lolx..... 


To all my Brothers out matter where you are..i always pray for ur health, happiness and wealth... and of coz  a little more brain to think for sure.... i love you all.... even u make me angry, tease me, hurt me.... learn the way to sort it out... as sisters can never stop loving their brothers forever and ever....

Thursday 4 August 2011

My Life, My Decision...

Today i will be writing on a common sharing... well, actually i was feeling a bit mood out as i was thinking about certain things in my life... especially for being lonely... and i was quiet disturbed about it as i was confused thinking that is there something wrong with me till i feel so disturbed with my loneliness............ but today i have got my answer....

In life it is always normal to have all these mixed up emotions leading u to feel useless or not worth of something...but at the end it depends on how u perceived that emotions... as for me... I choose to perceived as a break point for me to stop and look at what have i achieve...  

if i feel that i have no one with me... then its bcoz i have too many special people around me to be particular about them... HELL YEAH!!!! i have my lovely parents, my siblings, my cutie pies, my besties.... and each one of them give me support in their own way.. :)

  if i feel lonely bcoz i have no one in my life yet... well then obviously i prefer to be alone and happy instead of ending up with the wrong guy and getting hurt..

if i feel useless, then i wont pay attention to that particular emotion bcoz if i were useless i wont be the BEST of me today... YES... I AM THE BEST THAT ANYONE COULD HAVE!!!!!!!!!!

so these are just few choices that to be made either to get carried away by emotional fluctuation or to grow better out of it....               

Always live your life in the NOW... let go of the past no matter how painful it can be... Always believe in yourself and Always love yourself...

You will not achieve anything by thinking about others since it is totally impossible to satisfy everyone around for the best..satisfy yourself your life your way...... as long it isn't harming anyone..........

Monday 1 August 2011

My Life, My Best Friends...

1st august resembles the FRIENDSHIP DAY...  so i decided to post about my best friends that have been the best of all.... i have few of them so i will write on each of them...

I met her first time at 1407 westlake year 2009... she looked like very quiet girl... later on i started to get to noe her much better and realised that she is one of the type of fren that everyone need in life... she speaks in a nice way, makes me feel comfortable to share anything, she is trustworthy, i can tell her anything coz i noe that wateva i tell her remains with her all the time... she has been with me on my happy and sad times...  love u a lot dear... will never let u go away... muahx muahx muahx...

Sharmelan Raj
I met him in 2006 during my form 6 in SMK Jalan Tasek... he was my classmate and then my uni mate..he is a wonderful person i have ever met..always calm,cool n relax n understands me the best... n i jus nid to wait for his "weird" smile to get my answer.... he is sum1 that i always thr when ever i nid someone to talk to... m glad that i chose to go form 6 n i realise the reason now..i was meant to met wit my bestie, Raj.....

Jigri Poo
I met him in Utar... n why he is my bestie is bcoz he has this family values in going bk to house often, talking bout his mum, sis.... have respect for girls... weneva i share anyhtin wit him, he share the same point of vie wit me... he is always thr wen i nid him but recently he has lost his way... and m working to get him bk on track bcoz now he is some other person not the jigri that i noe... oh btw jigri is nick name v call each other... :0  i noe that u will be the same jigri again very soon and m waiitn for it.. still today..ur my bestie...

I met this babe during form one..hahaha but that tym wasnt so close... v started get close more after form 6 hahaha and she is one of a kind as well... always ready to rock as me... and experience almost same nonsense in life which creates even better bonding among us... jus love to hang out with her and share all our "desi" (cultural) stories on guys especially... hahaha...

He is my fren since childhood... for 17 years.... wow!!!! yes... v noe each other since std one... has been always arguing and fightin during school times... and today he is one of the person to be trusted wit any stupid annoying things he or me says... it sound funny always... we face many similar challenges in life, whereby we always share our experience and advise one another.... dear,,ur amazing fren....

So..these are my besties... no matter how much v fight, gets angry, argue or even scold one another...but at the end i am always thr for them and i noe they are also always there for me... love u guys a lot....

Sunday 24 July 2011

My Life, My Studies...

Today i wish to write about my studies... hhhmmm.. my studies... in real my studies never been such easy thing to do... but still studying is the one that i love doing and never get tired off...
My studies begin in my primary school as i didn't go for any kindergarten or nursery... my mum was my first teacher.. i still remember that mum will buy exercise books and teach me by writing all the numbers and spelling things... and thanx to mum that when i joined primary school all the teachers were surprised as i was gud in studies and my communication skills... especially in malay... it was difficult for them to believe that i did not join any preschool... hahahaha
Primary school life was really nice with all the mischievous behavior of mine... trust me!!! m never a quiet student ( everyone knows that now)... and as for punishments hell yeah... i was slapped by teacher twice... hahaha once for not finishing my homework and second for keep on talking till not listening to her.... wow!!! but then there were many good memories as well... such as being praised by teacher for getting high marks in exams... for being such a sweet and helful student, for keep on going on stage for competitions( story telling) and also there was once during std 6...i wasnt allowed to go extra classes n etc.. so i will ask the extra classes homework in advance and will complete it by myself... once i finish my work and all the other students that attend extra classes did not complete their work.. so they were all sent to stand outside of class and me alone in the class listening to teacher praising me.. nice...


then it came secondary... new excitement but boring coz girls skull... hahaha... secondary was punishment but yeah still the same noisy me... during my spm, before exams we were wishing our teachers all selamat hari raya and deepavali as well.. so i went and wish my maths teacher( pn. rani) happy deepavali and she scolded me back saying that if i dont get A for her maths paper then i better watch out... hahahaha... so funny.. and then for my spm trial i got A2 for maths.... and she called me and scolded me again.... " wat is tiz??? why A2?? tats why la always talk2 in the class huh!!!! '.............. i was blurred, i mean A2 for spm trial is oso gud la... but she was rite coz act i can get more than that.. hahahaha.... such lovely schooling days.....

then i went for form 6..... finally school wit guys something different..... but all oso mangkuk type.. hahaha... was fun and during form 6 i was the bully... YES YES YES... i bully guys in my class...there were 7 guys in my class and i bully all of them... till not even one dare mess with me... even guys teachers oso i bully... there was Mr. San ( indian sir, teaching muet).... he and me will always argue on topic that girls r better... then one day, he was teaching on  impromptu speaking..there was a title that" girls are better than boys" i ask for that topic he didn't gv me... then everyone was allowed in discussion after each person present their points.... after my fren present his points by stating that boys are better than girl..i raise up my hand and the sir told me...' satvinder, pls let others to speak... m sure u have a lot but save it for some other time..."    aaarrggghhhh... menyampah je i.,... hahahahaha


and now finally in UTAR..doing my dream course ( Psychology) and waiting forward for graduation...... every school, every year, every teacher, every classmate create something new in me.... and something that i cherish everyday... i have so many wonderful memories to live with so  i chose not to bother about the "unwanted" memories......   now when i think back, i miss every single fun at that point which makes me realize that don't wait opportunity to do something better or to have fun... but you yourself give chance to yourself to do something greater every moment... everyday.... :)


Tuesday 12 July 2011

My Life, My Dream Guy

My Life, My Dream Guy

Well... today i decided to post about my dream guys just for a sharing... and if any of you came across this kind of guys kindly inform me... hahahahahaha.. jus kidding as i always believe that things happen accordingly so when the time come i will meet him...

maybe i already have but just havent realise... hhmmm.. lets wait and watch...

My Dream Guy.....

He is a tall, handsome with a cute smile on his face... crop hair with clean shave...( french beard will do)...
He is the most loving and caring guy that any girl would want to have. He loves me more than he has love anyone in this world( exception for his family)...
He take care about every small things related to me... such as my eating habits, when m stressed, when i am missing him... he should know what to do then...
He is the most romantic guy as in he has his own style of bringing smile to my face, knows how to surprise me( its difficult to hide if any surprise is being planned for me..hehehe).. surprise visits, surprise bouquet, candle light dinner with music in background,etc...

He is financially independent as in is involve with good employment...
He knows how to plan our future to make our lifes full with happiness,love and care...
If by chance I do get upset or angry, he knows how to make me happy again( pujuk)... 
We travels to places all around the world...
He accept me the way I am and I shall accept him the way he is... :)

He understands me and will sweetly scold me if I dont eat on time or not taking care of myself...
He is the one with whom i will spend my whole life with full of love, trust, happiness and understanding...
He has the Bollywood type of ideas to express his love...

So, basically this is the character that i seek in guy to be my partner..and if you think that why the guy is to be expected to be that way..wat bout me..??? then its very simple because i believe in "Perception is Projection" if m seeking that characters then definitely the guy will have the same from me... :)

Friday 8 July 2011

My Life, My Cutie Pie

Cutie pie of my life.... Rajpreet Singh and Reshvyn Kaur.... my nephew and my niece... These "little devils" has always been the sweetest thing in my life... they are so naughty, smart, talkactive, hilarious and crazy like me sometimes... love them so much and whenever if i am out from the house for few days without them, they are the 1st one that i will miss...   I pray for them to be always happy in their life and may all the happiness in the world be blessed onto them...

My Life, My Dreams

I have my dreams that some has been fulfilled and some is yet to accomplished. So i decided to share my dreams because i believe that dreams should have no limitations so that the effort we put in to achieve our dreams will be also unlimited...
My Dream...

  • I have First Class Honour Degree in Psychology, University Tunku Abdul Rahman
  • I have complete my Masters in Clinical Psychology
  • I have complete my PhD in Clinical Psychology
  • I have my dream house...
  • I have my dream guy...
  • I will buy BMW for my dad...
  • i will go for world tour with my family...
  • I choose to be happy all the time...

So, these are the dreams that i have in my mind FOR NOW!!! If you are wondering that why i wrote my dreams in present tense instead of future tense is because of the magic of life... We should always ask for things the way we want it instead of waiting for it...  for simple example, when i say i have my first class gives out the vibration to the universe that I HAVE IT ALREADY... instead of sayin that I WILL HAVE MY DEGREE... so it forwards the moment without achievin it... IN SIMPLE WAY...SAY IT THE WAY U WANT IT...